What cure for prostatitis is most effective?

Prostatitis is a male disease, inflammation of the prostate gland. Diseases of the prostate gland suffers eight percent of the male population, pharmacists always have in pharmacies in the presence of effective drugs for treatment of prostatitis. Prostatitis is often accompanied by diseases such as vesiculitis, and urethritis, and older men can be subjected to education of benign prostatic hyperplasia.


Noninfectious prostatitis

This kind of disease is the most common. It can be men with weak immune systems. Non-infectious prostatitis can be a consequence of hypothermia, sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, occur at lower physical activity, prolonged abstinence from sexual activity or, conversely, excessive sexual activity. Alcohol is also a source, promotes inflammation of the prostate. Effective cure for prostatitis in male patients with non-infectious by the doctor will prescribe, and for prevention needs the beauties of winter without additional underpants in the world to be sexually active, not abusing alcohol, exercising at the gym.

Infectious prostatitis

This type of prostatitis is usually contribute to diseases that are transmitted sexually. Are different viruses, germs, bacteria. Also the culprit of the infection can become a long process of inflammation in the men of other organs are the sinusitis, tonsillitis and kidney pathology. You need time to begin treatment of prostatitis. The most effective cure for this disease should be taken with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. If prostatitis as a result of sexual transmission, treatment of need together with a partner, to avoid re-infection. Effective cure for infectious prostatitis is prevention and safety. Treat all the inflammation in time, have one sexual partner, use condoms. This is the easiest way to avoid the disease.

Symptoms of prostatitis

Frequent urination, painful or uncomfortable — the first sign of prostatitis. Is accompanied by a feeling that the bladder is not fully emptied in the lower part of the stomach joining is a pain and pain. If during ejaculation are pain in the rectum, it is also a symptom of inflammation of the prostate. Also can be a weak erection, loss of desire for sexual intimacy. Men, patients with prostatitis, have a high nervousness, anxiety. With this inflammation may be chills, fever, sweating. If you have a connection there was at least one of the symptoms, don't wait, go to the doctor. The disease itself will not disappear, you need an effective cure of prostatitis already in the first stages.

Effective cure prostatitis from pharmacy

In order to recover from prostate inflammation, you should honestly take the full course prescribed by your doctor. Effective cure for chronic prostatitis or normal should include many elements. This antibacterial effect, anti-inflammatory (medicines from prostatitis contains an antibiotic, but your doctor may prescribe additional injections), drugs, relaxing muscles in the prostate pain. During treatment should abandon alcohol, specialties cold and drafts, to refrain from sexual activity during the course.



Many wonder about how effective cure prostatitis to buy. The doctor who prescribed the prescription may prescribe drugs are expensive, which can be very expensive. Then you can use alpha-blockers are drugs that help relax soft connection of the prostate to eliminate pain, alleviate urination. The drug is aimed only at removing the unpleasant symptoms but will not cure the prostatitis. Together with blocker use for the treatment of prostatitis alpha-blockers . Also need to buy antispasmodics, inexpensive ViDi. The tablets are very strong, fast, have an analgesic effect.

M Azov relaxers

Worth to buy to eliminate the pain in the crotch area. They are aimed at relaxing the muscles, urethra and bladder. M atovi relaxant is a good tool, using it the pain will become less and urination easier. It is not the mandatory item, but in order to help yourself make it easier to transfer the disease, it is worth to spend money and buy it.

The herbal remedies for treatment of prostatitis

In drugstores there are a lot of drugs from prostatitis herbal on village basis. The most popular are those where the treatment will be for about a month with proper reception. Carefully read the instructions before you begin treatment. In any case do not exceed the dosage. It's expensive ViDi medicines. There are medicines from prostatitis cheap and effective, composed of poplar leaves and leaves of burdock, berries of palms, Icelandic moss, Pygeum, pumpkin seeds, roots of goldenrod and sedges. These tools are appreciated by large number of men, their quality exceeds the price, as they say in the reviews patients. If it is not possible to buy herbal remedies, herbs you can buy in pharmacies separately, to prepare them into teas and tinctures at home. To recommend the correct herbs, roots, and buds will help the doctor and pharmacist, herbs are sold freely, without prescription doctor. The most effective decoction for treatment of prostatitis — a decoction of the flowers of tansy, wormwood, succession, yarrow leaves and St. John's wort, elecampane root and hop cones. You can add the celandine, nettle leaves, raspberry and cranberries. All components taken in equal parts, grind into mush. Four or five tablespoons of the mixture pour one liter of boiling water, to insist night. Strain, drink one third of a glass three times a day for six months. Would be more effective to take medications and not to rely only on herbs.

Recipes of traditional medicine for treatment of prostatitis

The easiest way to get rid of prostatitis knew our grandparents because in their time there was finished medical drugs for treatment of the prostate. They had to invent their own methods, guided by age-old traditions and skills of their ancestors. And after all alive and healthy was able to cope with this disease.

The first recipe is the easiest: half a kilogram of pumpkin seeds to pass through m asanobu with the peel, add two hundred grams of natural honey, knead the dough. From this mash you need to make small balls, about the size of a nut to remove in the cold for forty minutes. Before each meal, about half an hour, joins to eat one fold. It must be very thoroughly and slowly chew and swallow. Such test will be enough for the entire course of treatment is the strongest drug people's the manufacture for the treatment of prostatitis.

Honey candles for treatment of prostatitis: half grey eggs mixed with a teaspoon of natural honey, added rye flour to get the dough. From this mass roll into inch sticks — candles. To clean the freezer, and every morning and evening, after going to the bathroom, insert a candle into the anus. To be treated by this method from prostatitis have a month. Through week break repeat the course.


Parsley from prostatitis: parsley seeds in the amount of four China tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water, put on medium heat, simmer the fifth fifteen minutes. After, in another case strain and take before eating a tablespoon of broth, up to six times a day. This treatment to continue throughout the week, such hours are quite sufficient. In addition to treatment of prostatitis a decoction promotes the restoration of male power even in eighty years of age!

Chestnut shells with spines to grind, take three tablespoons, pour a half liters of boiling water, leave for night, drain in the morning and in a water bath to evaporate the decoction to two hundred grams. Take thirty drops three times a day on an empty stomach. When the broth runs out, the rest of the month to repeat the treatment.

Hazel will help to deal with prostatitis: ten twigs of witch hazel directly with the leaves to put in an enamel bowl, pour water so that the branches hid. Bring to a boil and cook for twenty minutes. Infuse the broth before it will become reddish, then put back on the fire. When the broth as the hot, strain and pour into a bowl, put in a water bath. Breathing vapors of this infusion need fifty-fifteen minutes every day. Week such inhalation will be sufficient to prostatitis passed.

Inflammation of the prostate gland to deliver a lot of discomfort to men who suffer from this disease. More dangerous effects of prostatitis, impotence, loss of ability to conceive a child, cancer pathology, the spread of the inflammatory process in the whole decotative system. Depending on the etiology of the disease in each case assigned to a urologist the most effective drugs. The acute form of prostatitis occurs due to the impact of bacteria with pathogenic microorganisms.

It is found, according to medical statistics, 15% of all cases of inflammation of the prostate, characterized by such symptoms:

  • Groin pain, radiating to the lower back;
  • Frequent painful urination with purulent urethral separation;
  • Symptoms of intoxication.

This condition requires immediate treatment to the doctor, and therapy with antibiotics, able to penetrate into breast tissue in the shortest possible time, effective against specific pathogens. Chronic prostatitis may be a complication of the acute form of the disease, not sufficiently treated or transferred without treatment.

Symptoms of prolonged inflammation of the prostate:

  • Nagging pains in the perineum, radiating to the rectum and pelvic organs;
  • Difficulty urinating accompanied by a burning sensation;

Treatment of this form of the disease takes much more time than in the acute stage, and the choice of drugs depends on previous treatment, presence of complications, individual features of the organism. Range of medicines except antibiotics supplemented with immunomodulators, analgesics, physiotherapy, massage therapies, use of suppositories.

Popular drugs from prostatitis

In a group of drugs for the treatment of prostate diseases, there are many effective tools that improve the condition of the tissues of the prostate and overall health of the patient. Homeopathic medicines are available in the form of tablets for resorption, used as analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Relieve swelling and return to normal functioning prostate, positive effect on urodynamics, reduces dysuria.

The facility has contraindications:

  • Tissue necrosis of the gland,
  • Cancer of the prostate.

The treatment lasts about 4 months. It is recommended to take 2 tablets at the same time, by separating in time the medication food. Resolve them in your mouth take 2 times a day, before and after sleep. When symptoms of possible the pills up to 4 times per day. The course of treatment if necessary, repeated after 1-4 months break.

Drug from the group of penicillin antibiotics is available in the form of tablets and powder for preparation of solution for injection. It is used to treat infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. Daily dose of in the treatment pills – 2-4 g or 4-8 pieces a day, every 4-6 hours 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment may not exceed 7-10 days. The dosage regimen assigned exclusively by the doctor.

In the treatment of antibiotic take into account the following contraindications:

  • Allergies and their complications such as bronchial asthma,
  • Enterocolitis, on the background of antibiotics.

During use of this drug can be side effects in the form of dyspepsia, allergic reactions, pathology of the urogenital system.

Herbal medicines from prostatitis

folk remedies

In the complex treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland are often used herbal remedies that has a mild action with persistent and long-lasting effect. Drugs are used to treat acute and chronic prostatitis. Badi prostatotomy and have anti-inflammatory effect, improves microcirculation in tissues, stimulates spermatogenesis. Regular use in the prostate gland reduced congestion, symptoms of dysuria. Part of the preparations include extracts of such plants. Available in the form of tablets, Packed by 100 pieces in a plastic bottle. It is recommended to take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day, early in the disease, and then transition to a maintenance dose.

Minimum contraindications – individual intolerance of the drug components. In the treatment of prostatitis is used as a tonic drug that improves the metabolism of the genitourinary system. Available in the form of tablets that take 2 of these twice a day before meals. The manufacturer recommends during the course of treatment to adjust the diet of the patient, reducing the proportion of sugar, animal fats and alcohol. The preparation consists of the following components: leptadenia net, Indian ginseng, calamus, black pepper, long, cubeb, sandalwood white, muskatnik fragrant, sage, clove, Roman chamomile, of Braine, ginger. Such Ayurvedic drugs refers to a category of biologically active additives. In its composition contains more than 40 ingredients, most of which is of vegetable origin. These remedies for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis belongs to the category of dietary Supplements and used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic and is an immune modulator. The composition of this medicinal product contains only herbal ingredients.